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您可能感興趣: adult 幼教 

DVD10092"--"餅乾美語 ABC ( ABC Bakery ) 第18集 (專為國內兒童所設計的生活美語教學函授課程) (DVD一片裝)
DVD8317"--"小熊維尼與跳跳虎 百畝森林驚魂記 國語發音繁體中文字幕 (迪士尼頻道熱映的小熊維尼超級偵探系列小朋友超愛大推薦!) (dvd1片裝)
DVD10582"--"巧連智快樂版(小班適用)2010年 04月 互動式教學 繁體中文正式版 (DVD一片裝)
DVD8616"--"歡樂迪士尼卡通電影 第20集 (迪士尼百年經典) 國語發音繁體中文字幕(森林王子1-2 放牛吃草 三劍客) (dvd1片裝)
DVD10729"--"貝貝生活日記 DVD 每天都有新發現(貝貝要把門關好喔 貝貝會認形狀 貝貝出門去 貝貝會寫信 貝貝這是怎麼來的呢 今天是什麼樣的天氣呢 貝貝感冒了) 中日雙語發音(DVD一片裝)



Broderbund 世界著名幼教軟體系列 蛋頭寶寶邏輯思考之旅

( 包括披薩侏儒、過敏峭壁、驚濤海浪、暴徒福林等。這些考驗將會引導小

Logical Journey of the Zoombinis is a captivating educational
program designed around an escape story. The Zoombinis were a
happy group of creatures (somewhat similar in appearance to the
old Mr. Potato Head), whose island is taken over by the Bloats.
The user's job is to help them in their escape.

Each Zoombini is characterized by four features: hair, eyes, nose
and feet. Each of these features exists in five variations. The
user begins by creating an escape party of 16 different looking
Zoombini. Once the team is
assembled they set out on a path that would make Indiana Jones
proud. Just like the problems encountered by the archeology
professor of cinema fame, the Zoombini's confront a dozen obstacles
which must be overcome using deductive logic and creative reasoning
. For example, the first obstacle in their path is a pair of rope
bridges. These bridges are highly unusual, in that they are each
allergic to different Zoombini features. One might be allergic to
red noses and glasses, the other to blue noses and curly hair.
Through trial and error, then logic, the user must help the Zoombini
across the bridges.

One of the more impressive features about this program, is the
potential it has for repeated use, across a broad range of ages.
In fact, all of our adult reviewers felt challenged by the problems!
The program can be set at 4 levels of difficulty. Equally important,
the solutions for each obstacle are changed every time the program
is used.


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